Сдерживать себя, когда обидно, и не устраивать сцен, когда больно, — вот что такое идеальная женщина.
=)) Simply )))
Buy the new jumper, go to the cinema, spent a lot of your free time with peope YOU like much... Try something new... Do as YOU want!!! Live only for yourself =)
My God Dinarchik eto ne vozmojno U nas netu kinoteatr i esho lyudi ochen naivniye...Voobshe zdes nicheqo delat. U nas v stolice est, a zdes net Iz za eto muchayemsya....
Сдерживать себя, когда обидно, и не устраивать сцен, когда больно, — вот что такое идеальная женщина.
Oh... Even so... Hmmm...
Don't worry, go to the park and give some food to the dogs or birds... =) Or maybe... I'm sure you've got a lot of friends... They won't never leave you, even in difficult situation, even when you feel lonely or simply bad... Find a new hobbie or begin doing sport... It's up to you
What has happened???
I don't know... sometimes I feel bad...maybe it is depress...
Don't you know how to behave in depress????
You'll like it
Just begin... Just want...
How? how? how?
=)) Simply )))
Buy the new jumper, go to the cinema, spent a lot of your free time with peope YOU like much... Try something new... Do as YOU want!!! Live only for yourself =)
My God Dinarchik eto ne vozmojno
Oh... Even so... Hmmm...
Don't worry, go to the park and give some food to the dogs or birds... =) Or maybe... I'm sure you've got a lot of friends... They won't never leave you, even in difficult situation, even when you feel lonely or simply bad... Find a new hobbie or begin doing sport... It's up to you
Jal...U menya net mnoqo druzey
да не жалко)