Night is dark…

I stay alone in my room at the nights…

I switch of the light and lie on my bed…

I think about different things… :bang:

So I begin to cry…I haven’t another way…

Only cry… Tears…

I’m happy because, I can cry…

I’m happy because, I can stay alone at the nights…

Night, I like you…

@музыка: oriqami"bez lishnix slov"

@настроение: bad

13.12.2006 в 08:55

nigts. . .

i love too.i think about endlessnes at night . at night my night train going for ever and ever. i want go this train with endlessnes universe but i dont do it . i want know when my nigt train will stopped any one . when & where. i wait it ..........
14.12.2006 в 13:12

moonstream Da ne stoit tak mnoqo dumat...:(
14.12.2006 в 16:28

SusannaRO ne poluchayetsya...:(

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