


It is very strange… it is very darkness… and it is obscurity…

I think very often about death…

a day will come – our eyes will close… a day will come – everything will be dark…

What is death? Darkness or salvation?

Why? People struggle for existence?

May be death is better than live?

Why? Nobody know clear about death?

There have something mysterious, enigmatic… I can’t find answer…

What is death? Good or bad? Dark or light? ….

@музыка: Eva - Hello

@настроение: so - so

18.01.2007 в 11:39

Its very important problem: DEATH...

I thought about this, but i dont know death is good or bad, dark or light.

But i want to know. May be death is good and light...

18.01.2007 в 13:20

Death is the end... The end of everything.
19.01.2007 в 14:08

Cute girl

So..lets try to live happy..:)
23.01.2007 в 08:38

i'm not afraid. ya jdu etoqo
23.01.2007 в 08:43

passionne-esprit fine
29.01.2007 в 10:36

Сдерживать себя, когда обидно, и не устраивать сцен, когда больно, — вот что такое идеальная женщина.
oh... don't think about it...

Live and be happy... Don't think about death... please...
29.01.2007 в 13:06

(=Динарчег=) hmmm...ok

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