I read J.W.Goethe "The sufferings of young Werther". I liked this book and I feel Werther's sorrows in my heart. I can understand you, Werther!

Werther was lonely...He couldn't find the way...People undertood him difficultly...Werther like me for this reason...

In two last months, I read :

1. V.Hugo - "Le miserable"

2. T.Drayzer - "Genius"

3. L.Tolstoy "Kazaks"

4. A.S.Pushkin "Evgeni Onegin"

5. J.W.G. - "The sufferings of young Werther"

and a lot of "little books"

Thanks ...

@музыка: only beats of my heart...

@настроение: nothing...

23.02.2007 в 11:58

:) Rada za tebya...
23.02.2007 в 13:55

What a nice pic it is?
24.02.2007 в 08:20

SusannaRO yeahh...
20.03.2007 в 22:41

Сдерживать себя, когда обидно, и не устраивать сцен, когда больно, — вот что такое идеальная женщина.

I'm so sorry...

I think it's impossible to live like Werther... It's awful, on my mind, to be absolutely lonely...

People undertood him difficultly...

That's why I always try to understand others, but...

you see, although I try to do it, I'm understood very seldom... (

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