Yeah.. at last I found.
Moby - lift me up
I have heard this song on Tv, but I didn't know singer's name.
The day before yesterday I watched Musix BoxT.
I recognized Moby. I found him & his song Lift me up.:)
I was looking for this song nearly two months.

05.09.2007 в 16:43

Сдерживать себя, когда обидно, и не устраивать сцен, когда больно, — вот что такое идеальная женщина.
it's rather old song )
but if you like it...
congratulations =) :white:
06.09.2007 в 09:33

горячий.шоколад thanks dear.. I know it is old song.. yes I like :)
06.09.2007 в 11:30

горячий.шоколад Yeah... But I know it now :) It is intersesting song.... thks :kiss:

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