On Sunday we went to Ilisu - small, beautiful village. Nature was wondweful. It is good to go far from everything and to sit quiet. We walked, talked, and lay on the green grass. The best thing : Nobody knew us. It was great. I was a little mournfull. But I spent good time.. thanks S&S for everything... We didnt take a photo... Last Summer in ILISU
I'm not exactly sure what I'd do, you know, but something interesting - something that's all mine. Something that would make some kind of differense, inte world. I'll never be able to do anything important, if I stay in here like this. I expect I'd better run away.
Disconnected thoughts present themselves one by one, as if they had been waiting their turn in line.
Did she discover the wings? .... She'd always wished she had....
One day will come, we’ll close our eyes…and we’ll never open…This time everything will lose its importance…everything will reach (to) the end for us…Our eyelash will be motionless… Our senses will stop.We’ll can’t say anybody “I love you” or any other thing. We’ll lose our favorite people..and will never look at their eyes or will never touch them. It’s death – everybody will see it whenever.
It is darkness, it is end … and it’s loneliness. We belive that the God exists, cause there is something mysterious in the world… Yes… There are a lot of mysteries…
What is religion? Do we need religions? Of course yes… Cause we have to believe something… and there are a lot of religions…Which of them are right? How can we know it? When we born We have already born with our religion…
Paradise and Hell… Are they exist? Is it true?
One religion accept alcoholic drinks, but it is sin for other religion… Why? How can we find right way? When I think one day I’ll be dead, I feel very stranger and terrible.
Yes, one day will come I’ll can’t breath… and my heart will never beat again…
Everything that's is coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted to you by virtue of the images your're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you're attracting to you.
"Every thought of yours is a real thing - a force"
“Biz mueyyen qebul olunmush hudud cherchivesinde yashayiriq. Ictimai heyat dairesi her kes uchun ele durust mueyyen olunmushdur ki, bu daireden chixan her kes olume mehkum olunmushdur. Bu ve ya diger muhitde dogulmush ve terbiye almish adam hemin muhitden xaricde yashamaga yaramir. O, havanin mueyyen sixligina adet etmish, ne daha six atmosferde, ne de daha seyrek atmosferde heyatdan hezz almaga qadir olmayan bir qush kimidir”
Bu sozler yeqin ki, Lester ve Cenninin heyati uchun deyilirdi. Lesterin Cenni ile “heyati” bilinmemishden Lester oz ailesi ile chox gezel munasibetde idi. O, ailesini, evini sevirdi. Onun “dogma evi ” idi. Hemchinin Lester Cenni ile qurdugu heyati da sevir – sakit, huzurlu, rahat idi…Ailesi bu munasibeti bildikden sonra ise her shey deyishdi…Elbette kubar ailesi, cemiyyeti bele bir beraberliyi qebul etmirdi…Hetta biz, XXI esrde yashasaqda bela “beraberlikler” qebul olunmur. Biz derinden fikirleshmirik: Lester subay, Cenni dul idi. Eger bu dogurdan temiz hissler uzerinde qurulubsa ve her iki teref xoshbextdirse niye de olmasin? Yox eger onlar her ikisi bashqalari ile evli ola – ola bu hereketi etse idiler elbette, buna men de pis munasibet besleyerdim.
Heyat, yashamaq chetin bi mubarizedir. Umumiyyetle insan tam xoshbext ola bilmir. Insanin tam xoshbextliyi uchun ele bil, hemishe ne ise chatishmir. Lester isteyirdi ki, Cemiyyet, ailesi Cennini qebul etsin…
Insan hemishe nese axtarir. Bu axtarishin neticesinde ne ise tapir. Hemchinin bu axtarish zamani o, ne ise itirir. Insan ne ise tapanda, ne ise itirir ve hemchinin bu itki sayesinde nese qazanir. Bu tezad hemishe davam edir. Lester Cenni ile qalacaqsa ailesini itirirdi ve cemiyyeti. Ailesi ile qalsa cemiyyet onun terefinde olacaq. Bu defe ise o, Cennini (onu hemishe seven, basha dushen ve qaygi gosteren) itirecekdi.
Cemiyyet hemishe insanin heyatina ciddi suretde tesir edir – Biz bunu istemesekde...Biz cemiyyetin tesiri altinda yashamaga mehkumuq.
Hech kes Lesterin Cenni ile munasibetine yaxhsi baxmiridi. Ancaq Lettiye munasibet bele deyildi.
Letti ve Cenni :
Letti dul idi, demek olar ki, Cenni de.
Her ikisinin bir qizi var idi. Bes Cenniye olan bu munasibetin sebebi ne idi? Cenni ashagi tebeqenin numayendesi idi, Letti ise kubar cemiyyetin...
Lester oz ehtiraslarinin qurbani oldu. O, tam oz hislerinden emin olduqda, xoshbextliyini tabdiqda artiq gec idi...chox gec idi.
Cenninin chox gozel qelbi var idi. Onun yashadigi chetinlikleri belke bashqasi yahsasa idi, daha pis terefe deyisherdi. Lakin yashadiqlari Cenninin xarakterini, dushuncelerini mohkemledirdi. Onun heyati dogurdan cetin idi. Anasini, atasini, ilk sevgisini, qizini ve nehayet Lesteri itirdi. Cenni bedbext olmaga mehkum idi.
Kitabxanachi kitabi mene meslehet gorende achigi goturmek istemirdim. Amma indi bu kitabi oxudugum uchun sevinirem, elbette hem de kederlenirem…Sozsuz bele hadiseler real heyatda tez – tez bash verir.
Burda bir fikir de chox gozel ve menim uchun maraqli oldu : Qisaca :
Hansisa bir qedim haqq – hesaba gore insana 70 il verilib. Bu ormul insanlarin shuruna ele kok salmishdir ki, inkarolunmaz heqiqet kimi qebul edirlir. Orqanik olaraq ise insan besh defe artiq omur surmeye qadirdir. Eger o, bedeninin deyil, ruhunun yashadigini, yaxshi xulya oldugunu ve olumun olmadigini bilse idi, onun heyati dogurdan uzun surerdi. Lakin esrler boyu kok salmish bu fikri silmek chetindir. Insanlar sanki itaet ve qorxu ile qebul etdikleri riyazi formula bele tabe olaraq her gun olurler.
мне скучно, читать дальшемне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно, мне скучно,
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