

@музыка: shebnem Ferah

@настроение: bad





Him (His Infernal Majesty) - Close To The Flame Lyrics

The kiss sweetest
And touch so warm
The smile kindest
In this world so cold and strong

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

The arms safest
And words all good
The faith deepest
In this world so cold and cruel

So close to the flame
Burning brightly
It won't fade away
And leave us lonely

@музыка: Him

@настроение: soso...


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I want to run away from everything....
I want to leave this damn city...

@музыка: Better than me

@настроение: so bad


My wish...

Insanin oz - ozu ile sohbet etdiyi vaxtlar olur. Her bir dushunen mexluq bunu tecrubeden kechirmishdir. Hetta belke de soz yalniz insanin daxlinde yashadigi zaman fikirden vicdana, vicdandan fikre kecherek en gozel bir sirr derecesine yukselir. Daxilimizdeki her sshey telash icherisindedir, dodaqlardan bashqa her shey dile gelir. Heqiqi ruhi ehtizazlar goze gorunmese de duyulur, bilinmese de yene de heqiqetdir.
Vicdan - xam xeyallar, ehtiraslar, arzular xaosu demekdir. Vicdan - xeyallar ve hesretler definesi, ozumuzun bele heya etdiyimiz fikirlerin magarasi demekdir....



@музыка: evanescence - tourniquet

@настроение: nervous ... why people so silly???

@музыка: The Cure - Friday I'm in love

@настроение: not bad...

My feelings have been changed..
Now I feel peace of mind...Time is moving on...
"Time causes to forget everything"
Feelings begin to die... little by little...
Of course everything will stay as a memory...good or bad..




@музыка: Him-Funeral of hearts

@настроение: boorin'

Yeah.. at last I found.
Moby - lift me up
I have heard this song on Tv, but I didn't know singer's name.
The day before yesterday I watched Musix BoxT.
I recognized Moby. I found him & his song Lift me up.:)
I was looking for this song nearly two months.


Sometimes I feel strangeness inside of me.
I feel lonely myself in the world.
As if world have been created only for me
And I'm lonely in the world...



On Saturday I met with my sis.
I talked my sister's husband.
After this, I relaxed.
Now I feel a lil' good

I can't show my real feeling.
I love my Mam & Dad, but usually they don't understand me.
They think that I dont want to spend my time with them.
But it's not true.
I'm really tired after work, I haven't mood even to speak.

@музыка: Avril- My happy ending

@настроение: netu