Night is dark…

I stay alone in my room at the nights…

I switch of the light and lie on my bed…

I think about different things… :bang:

So I begin to cry…I haven’t another way…

Only cry… Tears…

I’m happy because, I can cry…

I’m happy because, I can stay alone at the nights…

Night, I like you…

@музыка: oriqami"bez lishnix slov"

@настроение: bad

Вы, наверное, в курсе, что весь мир то и дело говорит о новой субкультуре…Странные девушки с черными волосами, блестящими заколками на голове и пирсингом в нижней губе. Парни с челкой, которая закрывает половину лица, в кедах и "почтальонской" сумкой с россыпью разноцветных значков. Мальчики похожи на девочек, девочки похожи на мальчиков, которые похожи на девочек… порой и не отличишь. Да, это эмо. Вы все их видели, но никто толком о них ничего не знает.

Кто-то считает, что эмо - это утяжеленный инди, кто-то, что оно произошло от хард-кора, сохранив звучание, но, изменив тематику песен, кто-то уверен, что это одна из разновидностей панк-рока.… Но мнения расходятся, и никто на сегодняшний день не может дать точный ответ…"- то и дело говорят в СМИ. Но как же отличить этот стиль от остальных? Для него характерны: визг, плач, стоны, шёпот, крик. Это тексты о несправедливости, несчастной любви, жестоком мире... Они предпочитают одеваться в чёрное и розовое. И парни, и девушки пользуются декоративной косметикой, но главная фишка: подведенные черным глаза. Глаза - зеркало души. Душа - эмоции. Их настроение подобно ветру, они ранимы и чувствительны. Смысл в эмо - это, прежде всего самовыражение, своеобразное откровение перед миром и выплеск эмоций, ярких, сочных и запоминающихся. Эти люди чувствуют внутренний мир, не боятся быть собой.

"Чтобы быть эмо, нужно в первую очередь быть искренним.”

At last I want to say something…

If they feel happy with this way, If they choose this life style nobody has right to interfere in their life and thoughts…It is their choise… People must live however they feel…

And I want to say, I try to respect people’ thoughts, tastes and I try to understand them…We must not evalute people for their appearance or life style… We must evalute their character…

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@музыка: blue october "hate me"

@настроение: i don't know...

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читать дальше

There are a lot of stupid people in the world… I know and I can see them… I can see there near of me… My God I can see these persons bad, shameful deed…They have lost their humane sense…

New sense is formed me… I can see person’s thought… I can see it their mimicry, exprеssion and their eyes… yes their eyes… Eyes can say everything…their bad thought seem their eyes… I’m oppressed, stupid, bad person’s eyes…I don’t want to see bad people… I want to spit on their faces…

Tedious life… Boring persons…Oh My God…What a bore!!! Everything…. Everything…everything…

@музыка: Evanescence"everybody's fool"

@настроение: very bad :(

I like listen to music…

My favorite song: Afi “miss murder”

I like reading a book…

My favorite writer: Dostoyevsky…

I like fruit… My favorite fruit: pomegranate, kiwi, orange, cornel, cherry, “alcha”

I like sweet…

I love chocolate…

I like to watch films… I like melodrama and horror films

I like make – up… I like black eye – line…

I like nail polish… I have different coloured nail polish…

I like summer…

I like the Sun…

I like swimming…

I like walking…

I like the night…

I like to stay alone at home…

I like to lie on the grassland…

And I like to watch the stars…

I hate lie…

I hate hypocritical, two – faced people…

I don’t like gossip…

I don’t like to speak a lot…

I don’t like winter…

I don’t like cold weather…

I don’t like rain…

I don’t like pepper…

I don’t like my land…

@музыка: Afi "love like winter"

@настроение: normal

Они очень симпотичные...

@музыка: tokio hotel "Rette mich"

@настроение: bad...

I can't hear your voice...

I can't see your face...

i can't touch you...

Where are you now???

and who are you???

Can you help me???

and can u bring me to real life???

Can you make me happy???

Can i find you??? .... I dont know...

Who are are you???

Where are you???

Can you find me???

@музыка: michael tolcher"sooner or later"

@настроение: bad


my birthday

@музыка: evanescence " My immortal"

@настроение: so-so



@музыка: ...

@настроение: ...

There are a lot of bad people in the world... and i dont know.."why" i always meet bad people...I run away... but they find me...and this time i have to think "all of people are bad...

No... no...i dont want to believe ...i believe... i believe that few of them are good... yes yes

I dont want meet bad people in my life...i desire good people.. I desire nice world...

@музыка: pamela "istanbul"

@настроение: bad


:flower: and i want to speak about Rafael... He is very very good and cultural... he is real gentlmen...he always help us and never say us "NO" I want to say him that u are "help angel" (for us)... Rafael, thank u for everything... I m glad to know u

@настроение: not bad

AFI - Miss Murder (Directors Cut)

This is what I brought you,

This you can keep.

This is what I brought you,

May forget me.

I promise to depart,

Just promise one thing,

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

This is what I brought you,

This you can keep.

This is what I brought you,

May forget me.

I promise you my heart,

Just promise to sing,

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

This is what I thought,

I thought you need me.

This is what I thought,

So think me naive.

I promised you a heart,

You promised to keep,

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to... Sleep.

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Make beauty stay if I,

Take my life? (ohhhh)

With just a look they shook,

And heavens bowed before him.

Simply a look... can break... your heart.

The stars that pierce the sky,

He left them all behind.

We're left to wonder why,

He left us all.... behind!

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Make beauty stay if I,

Take my life?

Dreams of his crash, won't pass,

Oh how they all adored him

Beauty will last when spiraled... down,

The stars that mistified,

He left them all behind.

And how his children cried,

He left us all behind.

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Make beauty stay if I,

Take my life?

What's the hook, the twist within this verbose mystery?

I would gladly bet my life upon it.

That the ghost you love, your ray of light will fizzle out.

Without hope.

We're the empty set just floating through, wrapped in skin,

Ever searching for what we were promised.

Reaching for the golden ring we'd never let go.

But who would ever let us put their filthy hands upon it?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Make beauty stay if I,

Take my life?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Hey, Miss Murder can I?

Make beauty stay if I,

Take my life?

@музыка: afi "miss murder" (directors cut)

@настроение: ((

i hate my land..everybody knows each-others' life.(it is bad)...and our people like to interfere with each others'life...they like gossip...(oh my God ... help me..only u can help me)i want to scream..

@музыка: Linkin park"it is my december"

@настроение: baaaaaaddddddddd

I m fed up with everything.. my work...(( My life?!!! i havent own life..I m fed up with my monoton is a pity... i cant change my life...everything is bad...bad...bad... :depress2:

@музыка: evanescence "going under"

@настроение: bad ...



@музыка: Evanescence "Bring me to life"

@настроение: ... as a dead..